Friday, April 25, 2008


Using greywater

Rain water barrel

Greywater Guerillas - underground greywater movement

Brad Lancaster's greywater site

Arizona greywater guidelines brochure

Monday, April 14, 2008

Container blueberries

Containter blueberries at

Friday, April 11, 2008


Explore this.

Monday, April 7, 2008


Question: How do you determine where to put swales when your property is essentially flat?

It is always amazing to me to see how not flat property is that you
perceive to be flat. Finding the contour is easy and fun with an
A-Frame. We could demonstrate this at the next meeting for those not
familiar with how it is done. Aside from finding the contour you need
to consider where you get runoff from surfaces like driveways, patios,
roofs, etc. and you can use swales to capture and direct that water
where you want it to infiltrate.


Llama manure

Question to TMP: Does anyone have any experience with llama manure?

Llama is awesome manure, highly desired. I believe it is one of the few manures you can plant in before it is "cured", not considered hot manure. There is a guy here in Nevada City that sells it.

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