Ordered 4 altogether; anticipate loosing all to cold night temperatures (May 2008 and about 45 to 50 degrees at night) because put them out too soon. Next year grow from seed and plant in mid to late June when the are about 10" across.
Ground cherry plants should be grown in a warm areas and receive plenty of sunlight, so choose a sunny location in the garden. Ground cherries grow very similar to tomatoes, but grow more quickly. The fruit grow inside husk. Relocate your plants in different parts of your garden each year to avoid diseases. Optimum temperatures for growing ground cherries are between 65 F and 85 F. Plant your seeds indoors 3 to 6 weeks before setting outside. When seedlings are 4" tall, transplant them in larger pots. Plants should be at least 10" tall before transplanting outdoors. Place plants outdoors in shady area several days before transplanting outdoors. Shelter the transplants to prevent sunburn, wilting, and rain damage. Spring planting should occur when soil is warm, at least 3 weeks after last frost, and when temperatures remain above 70 F. You can plant early if you use water towers. To protect plant branches from breaking, use 4 to 5 ft tall cages. Plants can grow 2 to 6 ft tall.
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