Use protect this.................................from this.
Nursery pony-pack tray, wire cutters, 1/4 inch hardware fabric, twisty tie wire.
Attempting to live a semi-self sufficient northern Nevada life in harmony with 190 pages of Contracts, Covenents, and Restrictions.
If you'd like to calculate degree days, scroll down to Chemical Control and click the degree day chart. You can use the 30 day temp on or for past temps.
The common pigeon of towns and cities
Voice – soft guttural cooing
Nesting – 2 white eggs in a crude nest lined with sticks and debris, placed on a window ledge, building, bridge, or cliff
Range – Native to Old World. Introduced
Everyone knows Rock Doves, or domestic pigeons, as city birds that subsist on handouts or country birds that nest in pigeon cotes on farms. Few have seen them nesting in their ancestral home – cliff ledges or high among rocks. Over the centuries many strains and color varieties have been developed in captivity through selective breeding. Since pigeons have been accused of carrying human diseases, there have been several attempts to eradicate them from our cities, but they are so prolific that little progress has been made in this endeavor.