If you haven’t inspected your fruit trees for a while, now is a good time to do so. My trees are still in their dormant stage, but with the milder temperatures and precipitation, the trees should be going into delayed dormant stage sometime in March and April. During the delayed dormant stage, buds—especially the flower/fruiting buds—begin to swell.
If you haven’t had time yet, prune your apple and pear trees. I’ll start pruning stone fruits (peaches/nectarines, plums, cherries) in mid March when the buds swell and show color. You’ll have time to prune until mid to late April depending on the weather. Hold off on pruning roses until mid April to avoid late frost damage.
When we get a few warm, sunny days in a row do the first dormant oil application to all varieties of your fruit trees (and roses). Dormant oil smothers over-wintering aphid eggs. I’ll have a complete spray schedule in the April newsletter.
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