Also called Poke “salad”
Aspects: Clumping herb, edible shoots, sun to part shade, moist well drained soil
Pokeweed is one of the most popular native wild edibles in the US. Has a long tradition of use as a vegetable, though the roots, fruits, seeds, and mature stems and leaves are poisonous. Sufficient quantities can cause diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal spasms, convulsions, and even death.
To eat boiled young shoots in several changes of water to remove the toxins; eat only the young shoots when about 6-8 inches tall; don’t eat any of the pink portions; put shoots in water and bring to a boil, pour off the water, refill and boil again, then simmer for 5 minutes, should be ready to eat. Some recommend boiling 3 times
Cooking is a hassle but the flavor is rewarding; rich and hearty, with a flavor like nutty blend of spinach and asparagus.
Can grow 4-8 ft tall; fall it has dark purple berries; wild and weedy and easy to cultivate; germinates easily from seed; can be divided with a sharp shovel; should grow in most soils though it prefers rich, moist conditions.
Birds will spread the seed all over the place; Pokeweed can carry viruses that also attack plants in the broadly defined Lily family (including asparagus and onion) and nightshades (like potato, tomato, and eggplant).
Aspects: Clumping herb, edible shoots, sun to part shade, moist well drained soil
Pokeweed is one of the most popular native wild edibles in the US. Has a long tradition of use as a vegetable, though the roots, fruits, seeds, and mature stems and leaves are poisonous. Sufficient quantities can cause diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal spasms, convulsions, and even death.
To eat boiled young shoots in several changes of water to remove the toxins; eat only the young shoots when about 6-8 inches tall; don’t eat any of the pink portions; put shoots in water and bring to a boil, pour off the water, refill and boil again, then simmer for 5 minutes, should be ready to eat. Some recommend boiling 3 times
Cooking is a hassle but the flavor is rewarding; rich and hearty, with a flavor like nutty blend of spinach and asparagus.
Can grow 4-8 ft tall; fall it has dark purple berries; wild and weedy and easy to cultivate; germinates easily from seed; can be divided with a sharp shovel; should grow in most soils though it prefers rich, moist conditions.
Birds will spread the seed all over the place; Pokeweed can carry viruses that also attack plants in the broadly defined Lily family (including asparagus and onion) and nightshades (like potato, tomato, and eggplant).
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