Walking Onion, Egyptian Onion, Topset Onion
Walking onions are prolific and easy to grow; instead of flowering they produce small bulbs at the top of the stalks. When they mature the stalks fall over planting new bulbs for the following year.
Sprouting bulbs in spring make fine scallions and are produced in abundance. Topsets can be eaten but are difficult to peel because they’re small; however bulbils can be used without peeling.
Hardy in zones 4-10 and evergreen in many climates. One of the earliest and latest sources of edible greens in cold-climate gardens. Prolific so don’t hold back on the harvesting.
Walking onions are prolific and easy to grow; instead of flowering they produce small bulbs at the top of the stalks. When they mature the stalks fall over planting new bulbs for the following year.
Sprouting bulbs in spring make fine scallions and are produced in abundance. Topsets can be eaten but are difficult to peel because they’re small; however bulbils can be used without peeling.
Hardy in zones 4-10 and evergreen in many climates. One of the earliest and latest sources of edible greens in cold-climate gardens. Prolific so don’t hold back on the harvesting.
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