Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Smartweed family - rhubarb

Also called rhubarb; rheum rhabarbarum

Aspects: Clumping herb, edible leafstalks, edible flower buds, full sun, moist well drained soil

In Asia used in soups and stews; leafstalks usually cooked but also eaten raw in small amounts; flower buds can be eaten and have the texture of cauliflower but a strong sour flavor; eat flower buds and leafstalks in moderation

Well know that leaves and roots are poisonous

Heavy feeder that should be planted in rich soil amended frequently with compost well-rotted manure

Few pests or diseases but susceptible to anthracnose.

Propagate through division; grow from seed (expect wide variations in seedling flavor and leafstalk color); to maintain deep red stalks use vegetative propagation

Use in sauces or pies, or like tart celery


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