Also called Warty cabbage
Aspects: Clumping herb, edible leaves, sun to part shade, moist well-drained soil.
Low maintenance perennial; resembles an enormous woolly dandelion until it flowers, when it becomes clear that it is a brassica.
Young leaves are edible with a pungent, hot flavor like mustard greens; early leaves can be eaten raw, later leaves are good as mixed cooked greens; flower buds look and taste like broccoli raab.
Established Turkish rocket plants produce a truly enormous number of these mini-broccolis.
Keep removing leaves (when they are 10 inches long) and the flower stalks, and the plant may produce all season long.
Somewhat drought tolerant; grows in full sun or light shade; plants spread to several feet across; if you dig them up and leave a bit of root in the ground it will come right back so be careful where you plant it.
Sometimes mistakenly sold by seed companies as arugula, which has tiny seeds. Turkish rocket seeds are large and bumpy, the size of a whole peppercorn.
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